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25-26 Registration Information

Current 6th grade Students:

Week of Jan 27: All students will receive a 7th grade registration worksheet in Computer Literacy and SWS classes.

Students are to take home, review with families, and return the worksheet to Computer Literacy Mr. Kiehn or School Counselor Ms. Seglem.

Feb 7-12: Students will register in Computer Literacy Class (SWS classes will join).

**bring registration worksheet if it was not turned into English teacher already**


Current 7th grade students:

Feb 3: All students will receive the 8th grade registration worksheet in their English class. Students are to take home, review with families, and return the worksheet to their English teacher.

Feb 14: Students in Ms. Teichrow's class will register for 8th grade classes

**bring registration worksheet if it was not turned into English teacher already**

Feb 28: Students in Ms. Stewart's class will register for 8th grade classes

**bring registration worksheet if it was not turned into English teacher already**

March 3: Students in Ms. Windt's class will register for 8th grade classes

**bring registration worksheet if it was not turned into English teacher already**


Current 8th Grade Students:

OEMS 8th Grade Students- Pre-Registration

Date: Monday February 10th

Time: During school day

Where: 8th Grade Math Classes

Who: Current 8th grade students and School Counselors

What: East High School Counselors visit 8th Grade to present about East High School and courses to register for. Students will receive a paper registration worksheet to bring home to complete with their families. Students can return their Registration Worksheets to their English Teachers as soon as they are complete.

East High School Open House


25-26 Incoming 9th graders!

Join us for a fun and informative East High Registration Information Night the evening of Thursday, February 13th from 5:30-6:30 in the EHS Auditorium. All current 8th graders and their parents/guardians are welcome to attend. East counselors will give a presentation including info on registration, enrollment, and expectations. There are optional student-led tours to follow.

Stay afterwards to watch the East High Boys Basketball team take on Denfeld @ 7:00 PM!

Please call the counseling office with any questions: 218-336-8845 x2143


OEMS 9th Grade- Registration

Date: Tuesday February 25

Time: During school day

Where: 8th Grade English Classes

Who: Current 8th grade students and School Counselors

What: East High School Counselors return to Ordean to Register current 8th grade students for 9th grade. Students must bring their completed paper registration worksheet and / or already turned it into their English teachers. This worksheet will guide their registration in Infinite Campus